April 1

Late Spring - Achmore near Kyle of Lochalsh

Achmore near Kyle of Lochalsh

Maybe you thought I would take a break and miss out this week’s newsletter?   Well as you can see I hope this gets out to everyone even if I am sending it from another country – Mexico.   We are here with the Tam O,Shanter Dancers and having a very enjoyable time in the nice warm weather.   We have now danced in SJ del Cabo as well as twice in Cabo SL and tonight we have inveigled our way into an International Event being staged at our hotel complex.   We have watched some very professional groups perform here and they are very high energy so we will (or at least I will) be the one representing the more mature performer!!

Until today there has been some high cloud but we still feel the sun and the heat.   Today is windy but the sky is blue and we spent an hour at a supposedly safe beach but it had a red flag up so very resticted swimming.   The beach in front of our very pleasant hotel (Holiday Inn resort) is unsafe due to undertow and currents.   As this is an all inclusive vacation we seem to be eating and drinking (sprite!) a lot and I will have to watch or I won´t get into my kilt.

I have been told that what happens in Cabo stays in Cabo but J fell off a hammock; G fell into a flower bed; M has not got a swimsuit wet; M has us up early to practise every day; P has us all organised at the performances; A,C,J,J, L, M & S never make mistakes but sometimes D,H,H,J,J & P steal the show.   Oh! we have had our photos taken so many times I must be famous!!!

As this computer works in Spanish every word is spelt wrong so I apologise for any spelling errors – it is impossible to check.   The keyboard is very confusing too with keys not where they normally are and others, such as delete, nowhere to be found.   We will be home before the next issue.   I hope there are no important announcements and cannot update the coming events as I do not have access to my home computer. 

Late Spring - Ardnamurchan Penninsula

Ardnamurchan Peninsula – there is the lighthouse at the far right – the western most point on British mainland

 sheep & fisherman


 Gentle Thoughts for Today –

The easiest way to find something lost around the house is to buy a replacement .

He who hesitates is probably right.

Did you ever notice: The Roman Numerals for forty (40) are  XL.’


 Late Spring - Arrochar view

Arrochar view

A Note from Jean :

Dear Fellow Dancer, Once again we have a Teachers Training programme happening at the Vancouver Branch with the exams to be held in May 2015.    Our teacher candidates rely on a Support Cast of fellow dancers to be ‘Stooges’ for their practice sessions.  Training sessions are held at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver (upstairs).  If you are interested in helping our Teacher Candidates, please contact Jean Wagstaff 604-464-8103 /  jeedwag@shaw.ca for further information.

Your support will be much appreciated. 

Many thanks, Jean Wagstaff  and the 2015 Candidates


FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE PHILOSOPHY OF AMBIGUITY….( as well                as the idiosyncrasies of English)  







The next regular Ceilidh Dance is on Friday, April 24, 2015 (the last Friday of  April) – in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver.  Start to make plans to come along as we really need all of you. This is a fun and inexpensive way to have an enjoyable evening out with family and friends. Tell at least 2 friends to join you, forward this e-mail to more friends and encourage them to sign up for the newsletter and to come to the Ceilidh Dance. Think of the great exercise you get as well.   See below for more information.

The Tam O’Shanter Dancers are coming to perform – hopefully the Stationmaster’s Reel!!



BC Highland Games & Scottish Festival

Saturday, June 20, 2015 in Percy Perry Stadium, Coquitlam


The Humanities Department at SFU is offering a Celtic Mythology course this summer, taught by Dr. Antone Minard. It will be meeting on Saturday afternoons. The course outline can be obtained and questions about the course can be directed to Dr. Minard at mminard@sfu.ca.

If you are interested in trying to stop wind farms spoiling your views in Scotland try this website:  https://www.savelochness.com/main.html



late spring - Bostadh Beach, Great Bernera

Bostadh Beach, Great Bernera


Sheep clouds



Hope you had a wonderful Easter, a nice break and a good rest.   Sorry if I have missed out anything, made terrible mistakes, etc.   I am using the computer in the hotel lobby so cannot hog it for too long.   Better save this and get it on its way.


Thanks to Steve at the Celtic Treasure Chest there is now an online list of all the Celtic societies as well as a calendar of events:

List    https://www.celtictreasurechest.com/links/index.php
Calendar    https://www.celtictreasurechest.com/celticevents/index.php

There are always some specials at The Celtic Treasure Chest’s stores.  Check them out at www.celtictreasurechest.com

Celtic Fashions on E-Bay – go to https://www.CelticFashions.com


A woman is in a grocery store and happens upon a grandpa and his poorly behaving 3 year-old grandson.  At every turn, its obvious gramps has his hands full with the kid screaming for candy in the candy aisle, cookies in the cookie aisle; same for fruit, cereal and soda.
Meanwhile gramps is working his way around saying in a controlled voice, “Easy Albert, we won’t be long, easy boy”
Another outburst and she hears gramps calmly say, “It’s OK Albert, just a couple more minutes and we’ll be outta here, hang in there.   At the checkout, the little terror is throwing items from the cart and gramps again in a controlled voice is saying, “Albert, Albert, relax buddy, don’t get upset — we’ll be home in five minutes; stay cool, Albert”.   Very impressed the woman goes up to gramps as he’s loading the kid and the groceries into the car and says, “You know sir, it’s none of my business, but you were amazing in there. I don’t know how you did it. The whole time you kept your composure and no matter how loud and disruptive he got, you just calmly kept saying things would be OK.  Albert is very lucky to have you for his grandpa”.
“Thanks, lady,” said gramps, “but I’m Albert . . . the little bastard’s name is Johnny”.


Sheep dancing

The Scottish Cultural Centre is a pretty unique and wonderful asset and space is available for rent to anyone or any group. The Centre does not run itself but is actually run by the United Scottish Cultural Society (USCS). Memberships in this Society are for individuals only and presently cost $10 annually. Membership Application Forms may be obtained either at the Centre or on the USCS website – www.scottishculturalcentre.com .   The cost is only $10.

Any person may join USCS and Scottish Country & Ceilidh Dancers are encouraged to show their support by doing so. If any USCS member would like to be more involved, then, Darryl Carracher, the Manager at the Centre, will be pleased to give you further information.  


Sheep farmer jump



Late spring - Corgarff Castle

Corgarff Castle


The next Ceilidh Dance is on Friday, April 24th , 2015. 

Canada Day maple leaf line



 Michelle has very kindly made up a Facebook event page for the Ceilidh but you need to “Search for Vancouver Ceilidh on Facebook and “Like” us to receive updates on upcoming Ceilidhs and other events”. Then, if you “Like” the Vancouver Ceilidh FB page (do as described above), you too will receive updates AND be able to share those updates and events on your personal Facebook page to your friends and ask that they “Like” and “Share”, etc. Ceilidh Dances are great ways to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries etc. Invite all your friends to come and join you at the Ceilidh. You are welcome to bring your own cake and we’ll even sing for you!!


You can join the e-mail list of the SFU Scottish and Celtic Society; the club connecting you to all things Scottish and Celtic at SFU and the community. As members of this mailing list, you will receive updates on events and learning opportunities. All are welcome to participate and enjoy. Facebook Group: As of today, our new Facebook Group is launched and available to join. It is an ‘Open’ group. Anyone can join and invite their friends. We will create Facebook ‘Events’ for all our occasions. Join today at this link: https://www.facebook.com/groups/451447541666799/


   Some fun and interesting sites: – note if you have a link to something you think others would enjoy please forward them to me.




a light hearted look at daylight saving time!!

Facts about daylight saving time, why it was introduced and why it no longer makes any sense today. https://www.flixxy.com/daylight-saving-time-doesnt-benefit-anyone.htm

How to change a light bulb:


Seniors & all golfers:



The next Ceilidh Dance will be on Friday, April 24, 2015.    Same time, same place, same price (so long as there is a big attendance), same amount of fun and entertainment. Now it is up to you all to help by planning on coming along and bringing loads of friends, family, acquaintances, etc. We need to improve the attendance to make the dances financially viable. Please do your best to spread the word. Let me know if you would like a poster to put up.


The slowly growing list has stayed at the same lofty height of  361.   I should be more grateful that it has not decreased but it will take forever at this rate to get it back to 400 so I really need your help to get the subscriptions back up again.   Thanks for all your support.

Please pass along the website to your friends and ask them to subscribe – it is free!! www.vancouverceilidh.org

At time of writing this last week’s newsletter was opened by only 2xx subscribers.  Because the list is growing that was just 6x.x% of the total list.   I know some of you prefer to go to the website and open the newsletter from there so the number is probably much higher.

Please keep opening the newsletter!!  Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.


Events happening in the immediate future include the Deep Cove Dance on the 18th the Branch wind up Ceilidh on the 20th and the last Ceilidh Dance of the season on the 24th.

Please see “Coming Events” below for all information.

sheep jump 100




If anyone has any suggestions or complaints regarding the newsletter, please let me know – ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org Please do not complain to your server that this is junk mail. There is a link on the e-mail should you wish to unsubscribe.

COMING EVENTS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS: Note: Please check list of classes for all start times and locations.

Apr 18 Deep Cove Dance in St. Catherine’s Church Hall, 1058 Ridgewood Drive, North Vancouver with music by Mary Ross.   7:30 p.m. —  $15
Apr 20 It’s become a tradition!   Monday Night End of Term Ceilidh in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver.   7:30 – 10:00 p.m. – everyone welcome — $6 drop in.
Apr 24 Ceilidh Dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver – no partner or experience required – live music with Calanais – refreshments available – class from 7 – 8 p.m. followed by dance from 8 – 11 p.m. – all dances walked, talked and called – admission at the door $10 (students $8)
Apr 25 Children’s Spring Party & Dance, Harry Jerome Memorial Centre, 123 East 23rd Street, North Vancouver from 2 – 4 p.m.   Adults $5 – Children FREE!!
Apr 25 Vernon, B.C. invites everyone to come to their 19th annual workshop & ceilidh Teacher Barbara Johnston from Edmonton – Info from Kathy 250-542-4139 or kathdin@shaw.ca
Apr 26 Tacoma Spring Fling Time: 3-6 pm Place: Normanna Hall, 1106 S. 15th St., Tacoma WA Musicians: Ryan & Cali McKasson.  Ryan is an amazing fiddler, and his sister Cali is a great pianist.  They hail from Tacoma but are nationally known.  Cost: $10 for dancers, $5 for non-dancers (people come to listen to these musicians).  –  info: –  scottishdancers@gmail.com
May  1 White Rock Ceilidh featuring Lindsay Weir & Colin Garvin from Scotland – 7:30 p.m. in the White Rock Elks Club, 1469 George Street, White Rock – $15 adults; $8 students – info 604-536-7660   www.wrscdc.org
May 1-3 Youth Weekend West In Victoria BC – www.youthweekendwest.com
May 1-3 Winnipeg Branch 44th annual Spring workshop & Ball – teachers Bob Anderson, Victoria & Sharon Barker, Calgary and music by Scotch Measure.   For registration forms & info e-mail Sharon at joesdaughter@hotmail.com or go to https://www.rscdswinnipeg.ca/
May  3 White Rock Annual Tea Dance (“Ocean Frolic”) is back on a Sunday afternoon.   To be held in the Star of the Sea Hall, 15262 Pacific Avenue, White Rock with music by Lindsay Weir, accordion & Colin Garvin, keyboard from Scotland.   Doors open 3 p.m. with dancing at 3:30 p.m. and refreshments to follow.   Tickets $25 – call Paul at 604-536-7660
May  4 Burnaby Spring session – teacher TBA  Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby 7:30 p.m. –$6 drop in
May  6 White Rock last class until September
May  8 Ceilidh with music, song and dance at St. John’s Presbyterian Church, 1480 George Street, White Rock    Tickets $15 call 604-536-9481
May  9 Bellingham social
May 11 Burnaby Spring session – teacher TBA  Scandinavian Community Centre, 6540 Thomas Street, Burnaby 7:30 p.m. –$6 drop in
May 30 Fort Langley 15th Anniversary Gala at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver with dinner at 6:30 p.m. including the customary dessert of strawberries, cream & shortbread.   Music by The Torridon Scottish Dance Band.   Tickets $65 – book now at lonotera@shaw.ca
May 31 All dancers are invited to Nannette’s 60th birthday Ball at 1:30 p.m. in St. Joseph Center, 215 N 15th Street, Mount Vernon, WA.   Lunch then dance to the music of Calum’s Ceilidh Band.   The entire event – luncheon & dance – is FREE!!   Please RSVP to Nannette Crowell & Rodney Brandt brandtlings@gmail.com & include names, addresses, phone numbers & e-mail

 “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““` “ 

Late spring - flowers


Come Scottish Country Dancing – it is lots of fun.  Just ask anyone who came along to the Dancing in the Park. We had great audience participation so I hope you will all come along and join one of our great classes or at least come to one of the Ceilidh Dances. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Late Spring - Glencoe


The next Ceilidh Dance is on Friday, April 24, 2015 with live music by Calanaish.    The Tam O’Shanter Dancers have promised to perform and hopefully will do the Stationmaster’s Reel

You still have time to spread the word about all the Ceilidh Dances as that is the best (and cheapest) form of advertising. It is great exercise and fun, for all ages, too. Here is a link where you can watch a short video of a Ceilidh Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MvUwZnY9Ms and here is a link to the Facebook advert: https://www.facebook.com/events/597360563665264/597360566998597/ The format for all of the regular monthly Ceilidh Dances will be the same with the class from 7 – 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 – 11 p.m. and all dances will be walked and talked through.

They are all held at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver.  The price is only – $10 or $8 for students which, for what you get is a super bargain – everyone is welcome. No partner is required and you should wear FLAT, comfy shoes and loose clothing. Children are also welcome but should be prepared to dance with other people as some of the dances require a change of partner. Don’t forget to bring a few extra $$$$ to help defray the cost of the refreshments which are otherwise free.


The Branch has opened a Facebook Page at “RSCDS-Vancouver” – check it out there are some good pictures etc. www.facebook.com/rscdsvancouver. There is a link on both our website www.vancouverceilidh.org and the Branch website www.rscdsvancouver.org

This is a really good time to come along and join in one of many Scottish Country Dance (SCD) classes as they are starting up again.    You will be made very welcome. Many classes have a policy that the first night is FREE! Plan to come along to try out a class next week. There are classes all around and on different nights so GIVE IT A GO! Go to either www.rscdsvancouver.org or www,vancouverceilidh.org for a list of class locations and times.

St patrick's Day Dancers

sheep lots jump

For those who don’t know SCD is a fabulous pastime (much better and lots more fun than golf!!) and is super exercise for body and mind. SCD is, naturally, rooted in Scotland but there are groups in almost every country so you can learn here and then dance with other groups when you vacation or travel. SCD is not to be confused with Highland Dancing which is more solo dancing. SCD is usually done with a partner in groups or sets however you do not need to come with a partner. It is more akin to Square Dancing.

sheep night

It takes a year or two of classes, workshops, etc. to learn the basics then you can hone your skills in advanced classes. You start by learning the steps and formations. Dances (of which there are over 13,000) are made up of these formations so a good grounding will give you the ability to learn a new dance fairly quickly. SCD has its HQ in Scotland and is known as the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and there is a Vancouver Branch of the RSCDS under which there are many clubs throughout the Province (there is also a Branch in Seattle).

Sheep on road

There are a great many classes and the ones in the Vancouver area are listed below. Come along – check us out – the first night is usually free and thereafter it will average about $6 a night and that’s for a 2 hour class! You will find many friendly people who will be eager to help you and welcome you to their club. You never know you actually might like it!! Check the list of classes at either at www.vancouverceilidh.org or www.rscdsvancouver.org. Note that the latter website has the latest updates to temporary changes to times and locations


as well there are classes all up and down Vancouver Island, a number of the Gulf Islands, the Cariboo, Okanagan, etc. etc. and there are various groups all over this great Province, Country, World and who knows where else! Check the Branch website for all these details – www.rscdsvancouver.org






For upcoming events see www.vancouverceilidh.org and www.rscdsvancouver.org. Other announcements etc: Seattle Branch – info at www.rscds-seattle.org ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

The next regular monthly Ceilidh Dance will be held on Friday, April 24, 2015 in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, (73rd & Hudson which is between Oak & Granville), Vancouver,

We need everyone to help us get as many new comers (as well as former Ceilidh Dancers) as possible to come and join us. The Ceilidh Dances are a great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Invite all your friends along. Contact me if you will have a group of 12 or more and we can give them a discount!!!


We Really NEED YOUR HELP to advertise the Ceilidh Dances!!!! It only costs $10 ($8 for students) – it is worth so much more in fun, exercise and camaraderie. Use any access to free adverts etc. You can also use things like the YouTube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh2HV3OPBgw or the Face-book page https://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=116203315&k=Z5C5Y4TZPT6G6BD1PKZZTWQQQ6BAW26L34AV&oid=164741310207760 https://www.facebook.com/events/597360563665264/597360566998597/

Suggestions to improve our advertising are always welcome. Don’t forget to tell them about the website www.vancouverceilidh.org and get them to “subscribe” to the newsletter.

Late Spring - Glenfinnan Viaduct


Most of you have been to at least one Ceilidh Dance so you know how it goes. You don’t need a partner; you don’t need any experience; you should wear FLAT soft soled shoes; we walk, talk, and call every dance and you should come to have fun and have a good evening of exercise and entertainment and maybe even to learn!

There is a FREE class from 7 – 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 – 11 p.m. with music by Calanais. Remember to bring some extra cash so you can make a donation towards the cost of the refreshments. Without these donations we will have to increase the price of admission again!!

The schedule for the 2014/15 season shapes up as follows:
All on Fridays of course —

April 24
September 25
October 23

Come along and get some great exercise while also having lots of fun. We hope to have lots of new Ceilidh dancers and we might even have Louise and maybe Daniel and/or Michelle to help with the calling.  Remember to bring your smiles and wear flat shoes.
Please do your best to assist us in letting as many people know as possible. Use Face-book, e-mail, telephone or even word of mouth and tell everyone you know what a fun night it is.

 Late spring - Loch Lomond from Balmaha

View from Balmaha

We would like to attract students from Universities and all colleges. Somehow we have to get word out to these students. Please do all you can to help us. Come one, come all to the same place (Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver) and the same time (7 p.m. for the class and 8 – 11 p.m. for the dance) and the same amazing price ($10 or $8 for students.)

You should check the website – www.vancouverceilidh.org – from time to time as you can find various pages listing “Ceilidhs and Events;” Classes:” Duncan’s List;” etc. On these pages you can check all the upcoming events, where all the classes are located, times, etc. and some places to find Scottish things or some local trades, etc. I will continue to highlight the more current events in each week’s newsletter but, as stated, the calendar of all events will be available on the website.

You should also have a look at the Vancouver Branch website from time to time – www.rscdsvancouver.org – as there is always useful information on it and it is a very good-looking site.

If you have any questions regarding the Ceilidh Dances send them to me at ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org     Please check the website – www.rscdsvancouver.org for updates, pictures and news.

Dance – it is good for your health.

Late Spring - Loch Lomond from Ben Lomond

view from Ben Lomond

Keep sending jokes, pictures and info you wish to have included. Don’t forget to look at our web pages at www.vancouverceilidh.org    If you know of anyone who would like to be on the mailing list please send them the web address – www.vancouverceilidh.org and ask them to subscribe.

If anyone has good pictures from the Ceilidh Dances please send them to me so I can put them on the web page. If you have any announcements please send them to me preferably in Word; Times New Roman 12pt format with a layout similar to the one used in this newsletter. I occasionally hear of an event somewhere in our beautiful Province, on the Island or in the Interior, but don’t know all the details.

Shhep Upside_down

This newsletter reaches out to some 361 subscribers from all over the Province, Country and to many other countries as well, so please send me the details of your event and I will only be too happy to include them.





Late Spring - Loch Lomond

choppy crossing on Loch Lomond

Enjoy yourselves – come Scottish Country Dancing – for it is good for your health and you never know you just might …..!

See Coming Events on the website for info – www.vancouverceilidh.org


Late spring - Loch Muick (Avalanche warning)

Loch Muick


May your troubles be one, may your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Duncan      ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org