a summery view of Stonehaven
Welcome to the Ceilidh Dance newsletter to all who are receiving this for the first time. I hope you enjoy the jokes, pictures, news, etc. The full newsletter comes out approximately monthly or when I have time as it takes quite a long time to put it together. I issue reminders/special notices when required. If you don’t want to continue to receive this newsletter simply unsubscibe on the main page.
Thanks to Belinda we now have a presence on Instagram so you can follow us on instagram.com/vancouver.ceilidhs
Please check it out and make Belinda very happy!!
The next Ceilidh dance is next Friday September 27 – the last Friday of the month. It will be the seventh one of the year and the first one since May so you will all want to come and enjoy a great evening of dancing, fun and social interaction.
The dances are held in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver which is a block north of SW Marine between Granville & Oak in Marpole. The evening starts with a free class from 7 – 7:45 and the dance with the live music of Calanais follows from 8 – 10:30. Admission is $15 (students $10) and there are refreshments available but remember it is CASH ONLY. Remember to bring some extra cash so you can donate towards the cost of the beer/cider/soft drinks/cookies etc.
If you are interested in moving to the next level up from Ceilidh dancing you should try Scottish Country dancing which is more refined than Ceilidh dancing but still lots of fun. Weekly classes will be starting up again. To help everyone find a convenient class here is a link to all the classes in and around Vancouver and the start time if known. Many of the classes have started already but don’t worry you will be made very welcome – try it you may even like it and you will meet lots of nice, friendly and patient folk.
2024-25 Class List – more details at www.rscdsvancouver.org
Dancing in the Park has completed another very successful season with many new dancers being able to experience the fun of Scottish dancing. We would like to encourage all those people to join one of the clubs in the Lower Mainland in weekly classes to learn more and enjoy the sociability, exercise and enjoyment of Scottish Country dancing. It is not expensive, you don’t need a partner.
For sure all new comers to Scottish Country dancing should come to the Ceilidh Dance on Friday, September 27 – details above & below. No partner required although you are encouraged to bring a friend(s) and no experience necessary as all dances are taught from scratch. It is a cheap night out ($15 I challenge you to beat it!) and it is loads of fun. So plan to come along – see more info above.
looking north from Kinnordy on the popular Ride the North event with about 1500 cyclists covering between 70 and 100 miles around Angus
Tunes for your listening pleasure
Hiking Song (for the Gay Gordons Dance) Various artists Best of Scotland
Warning – self harm, suicide in the following article.
George lived in Regina, SK. He was sick of the world: Harris, Trump, Russian belligerence, War in Ukraine, China, global warming, racial tensions, supply chain disruptions, rising prices, inflation and the rest of the disturbing stories that occupy media headlines.
George drove his car into his garage and then sealed every doorway and window as best he could. He got back into his car and opened all the windows, selected his favorite radio station, started the car and set it to a slow idle.
Five days later, a worried neighbor peered through his garage window and saw him in the car. She notified the emergency services, they sent an ambulance and they broke in, pulling George from the car.
After a sandwich and a little sip of water, surprisingly, George was in perfect condition. But his Tesla had a dead battery!
Amazing Japanese light show
gateway to a deserted beach at Sanaigmore Isle of Islay with the Paps of Jura in the distance
The Portland Suspension Bridge on a-sunny day in Glasgow.
Lie detector – oops!
River Leven and Dumbarton Castle
Here is another tune for you to enjoy
The Hills I Used to Roam Alexander Brothers Scotland We Love You

the stunning David Welch Winter Gardens in Aberdeen.
Regular monthly Ceilidh Dances start up again on the last Friday of September, October and November with the same admission prices but Remember it is Cash Only both for admittance and for the refreshments.
Ceilidh dances are held in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver. There is a free class at 7 pm then the dance follows from 8 – 10:30 pm with live music by Calanais. All easy dances that are taught and called and everyone has lots of fun and great exercise. Tell your friends and make it an outing – it only costs $15 ($10 for students) and there are refreshments (including cider & beer) for a donation. Remember it is “cash only” both for admittance and the refreshments. Mark your calendars now and make plans to join the fun. Check the website rscdsvancouver.org for more details.
The 2024 Ceilidh Dance dates are all on the last Friday of the month –
September 27
October 25
November 29
If you have a group of 8 or more then the cost is $1 less for each of you. You have to choose a password, make sure everyone in the group knows what it is then contact me at duncanmackenzie@telus.net at least two days before the dance & let me know you have a group and what the password will be, then you do not need to all arrive together.
Smart prairie dog
Oban harbour
Crinan Canal with some of the best views in Scotland
Another good tune
The Highlandman’s Umbrella Bobby Brown & the Scotish Accent Ready and …..
Linn of Dee near Braemar. Now heres a tall tale. Apparently the devil mixed up vast quantities of boozy fruit juice inside the rocky cavity called the Devils Punchbowl and got very drunk.
The 2024 season for Ceilidh Dances are scheduled (all on Friday evenings) as follows:-
September 27
October 25
November 29
Mark your calendars now!
The dances will be will be held at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver. The class will be held in the large hall from 7:00 – 7:45 then we will all exit to give the band a chance for a sound check etc. and the dance class will run from 8:00 – 10:30 with live music by Calanais. Alison will continue to be your teacher/caller so you are guaranteed to have a great evening. No change to the admission – still $15 with students $10.
Help us spread the word – I am not into social media but I am sure somebody can promote the Ceilidh Dance(s) there for me especially out at the Colleges and Universities. Tell all your friends to come along – it really is a fun (and cheap!) evening. DON’T FORGET IT IS CASH ONLY.


May your troubles be one, may your blessings be more,
and may nothing but happiness come through your door.
Duncan MacKenzie