Ceilidh Dance newsletter – next Ceilidh Dance – Monday August 6, 2012 in Stanley Park
This will be the last newsletter for the 2011/12 season – I need a break!! – and I am late again. Blame Andy Murray and the rest of the coverage of Wimbledon. We recorded each days events and then after dinner and the children have been put to bed we start watching the 4 – 6 hours of play. The good thing of course is we can skip through the commercials so that cuts down the viewing time but it still means very late nights especially when there are exciting games to see which was the case last night. We had managed to watch a bit before we went to a wedding – very lovely bride, beautiful setting at Kirkland House in Delta, and another very enjoyable day with friends etc. – and also stopped folk from telling us the outcome so we could watch the rest last night when we got home about 10:30.
There were some very long rallies and Andy did his wee best and should hold his head high but there was not much that could stop Roger yesterday. He was amazing and a deserving winner although maybe if the roof had been open ……..
If anyone has any suggestions or complaints regarding the newsletter please let me know – ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org
Dancing in the Park has started and will continue every Monday from 7 – 9 p.m. weather permitting. Tomorrow night – Monday, June 25 is led by the Fort Langley club. There are always “dances for everyone” each week so come along, bring your friends and join in the fun. Too bad it was cancelled tonight but this is the first time since 2010 I think.
Check out the list of events on the web page – www.vancouverceilidh.org
There is a Ceilidh night in the Park again – August 6 – see below for more details of Dancing in the Park. There also is a joint Ceilidh/Scottish Country Dance event on Friday, July 13 in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver with music by a group of visiting fiddlers from Scotland as well as the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra. More info to come.
How many do you remember?
Headlight dip-switches on the floor of the car.
Ignition switches on the dashboard.
Trouser leg clips for bicycles without chain guards.
Soldering irons you heated on a gas burner.
Using hand signals for cars without turn indicators.
Just back from Dancing in the Park which on such a beautiful night and with the music by the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra attracted a large crowd many of whom were keen to get up and dance so the space was filled and I had to chase away a few young men who wanted to play basketball at the bottom end. Fortunately they were understanding and they came back at the end of dancing to play but were interested enough to enquire what we were doing and might even come and try a dance or two next week!! It would have been nice if a few more men would come in their kilts – it sets the scene so much better and we should be proud to wear them.
I have enjoyed a week with two of my youngest grandchildren (a 4 and 2 year old) and have been able to walk down to the pool at Crescent Beach to watch their swimming lessons and then, for the 4 year old, her “tennis” lesson. They are very cute and were very excited when we put up the trampoline where they jump for hours. 2 more will arrive later this week but they at 11 and 14 are able to get them selves down to the pool as they are both into competitive swimming and water polo. We are very blessed to have them come and stay each year.
Check out the BC Highland Games website at www.bchighlandgames.com
Children Are Quick
TEACHER: Millie, give me a sentence starting with ‘ I. ‘
MILLIE: I is..
TEACHER: No, Millie….. Always say, ‘I am.’
MILLIE: All right… ‘I am the ninth letter of the alphabet.’
Comments made in the year 1955!
If they raise the minimum wage to $1.00, nobody will be able to hire outside help at the store.
2012 | |
Jul 13 | “A Midsummer Night’s Fiddle” in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver. Admission at the door $10 (students $8) Live music by the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra and guests The Strathspey Fiddlers Come, meet and dance to the lively music of the Strathspey Fiddlers — a young group who are touring from Scotland — and the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra. This should be a fun evening with a mix of Scottish Country and some Ceilidh dances. We hope as many dancers as possible will come and support the VFO and the Branch who are sponsoring this event. If some of you could you bring a dish of finger food., it would be appreciated. Contact Cathrine Conings (604-299-6447 or ccmusic@telus.net) or Fran Caruth (604-922-6842 or caruth@telus.net) for more info. See the branch website later in May for the program. |
Jul 13 – 19 | Celtfest 2012 in Oak Bay, BC Fiddle, Song, Piping & Drumming, Guitar, Highland Dance, Step Dance, Irish Dance, Ceilidh & Scottish County Dance, Bodhran, Scots Gaelic, Penny Whistle, Art …and more! Get information and registration forms at www.celtfest.ca |
Jul 14 | The Strathspey Fiddlers (see Jul 13) performing at the Elks Hall, 1480 George Street, White Rock at 7:30 p.m. Tickets $12:50 (Seniors, Elk Members $10:00; Children 6 — 12 $5:00) www.whiterockelks.ca |
Jul 16 | Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. hosted by West End |
Jul 22 | The Strathspey Fiddlers perform at 2 p.m. in the Everett Library, Everett hosted by the North West Scottish Fiddlers. |
July 22 —Aug 5 | TAC Summer School to be held in Portland, Oregon — information to come |
www.rscds-tac.org Open to all dancers.
Jul 23 Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. hosted by Delta Borderers
Jul 30 Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. hosted by Friends and Family night
Aug 6 Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. — Ceilidh Night
Aug 13 Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. hosted by Gleneagles
Aug 20 Dancing in Stanley Park 7 — 9 p.m. hosted by Branch
See website www.vancouverceilidh.org for a more complete list.
(written after she found out she was dying of cancer).
I would have sat on the lawn with my grass stains.
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Honey and Cinnamon
Weekly World News, a magazine in Canada, in its issue dated 17 January, 1995 has given the following list of diseases that can be cured by honey and cinnamon as researched by western scientists:
Daily in the morning one half hour before breakfast on an empty stomach, and at night before sleeping, drink honey and cinnamon powder boiled in one cup of water. If taken regularly, it reduces the weight of even the most obese person. Also, drinking this mixture regularly does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body even though the person may eat a high calorie diet.
Recent research in Japan and Australia has revealed that advanced cancer of the stomach and bones have been cured successfully. Patients suffering from these kinds of cancer should daily take one tablespoon of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon powder for one month three times a day.
Ed Note: more to follow in coming weeks
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The next Ceilidh Dance is on Friday, September 28, 2012 – that is the last Friday of the month. There will be, however, the annual Ceilidh in the Park on Monday, August 6, 2012 near 2nd Beach in Stanley Park from 7 – 9 p.m. – free of charge!!! AND there is to be a Ceilidh/Scottish Country dance on Friday July 13
See website www.vancouverceilidh.org Coming Events listing for all Dancing in the Park dates etc.
Please help spread the word about all the Ceilidh Dances as that is the best (and cheapest) form of advertising. Here is a link where you can watch a short video of a Ceilidh Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MvUwZnY9Ms
The format for all of the regular monthly Ceilidh Dances will be the same with the class from 7 — 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 — 11 p.m. and all dances will be walked and talked through. The price is only – $10 or $8 for students which, for what you get is a super bargain — everyone is welcome. No partner is required and you should wear FLAT, comfy shoes and loose clothing. Children are also welcome but should be prepared to dance with other people as some of the dances require a change of partner. Don’t forget to bring a few extra $$$$ to help defray the cost of the refreshments which are otherwise free.
For those who enjoy listening to Scottish music, song, banter etc. try www.andysceilidh.co.uk/ this is a radio programme that you can get sent to you and listen any time you want.
The Branch has opened a Facebook Page at “RSCDS-Vancouver” – check it out there are some good pictures etc. www.facebook.com/rscdsvancouver. There is a link on both our website www.vancouverceilidh.org and the Branch website www.rscdsvancouver.org
It really is never too late to come along and join in one of many Scottish Country Dance (SCD) classes and SEPTEMBER is a great time to do it as all the classes will start up again then. You will be made very welcome. Many classes have a policy that the first night is FREE! Plan to come along to try out a class next week. There are classes all around and on different nights so
In the meantime plan on coming down to Stanley Park on Monday nights starting June 11 from 7 – 9 p.m. where there are always dances for everyone to join in.
For those who don’t know SCD is a fabulous pastime which is super exercise for body and mind. SCD is, naturally, rooted in Scotland but there are groups in almost every country so you can learn here and then dance with other groups when you vacation or travel. SCD is not to be confused with Highland Dancing which is more solo dancing. SCD is usually done with a partner in groups or sets however you do not need to come with a partner. It is more akin to Square Dancing. It takes a year or two of classes, workshops, etc. to get the basics learnt then you can hone your skills in advanced classes. You start by learning the steps and formations. Dances (of which there are over 13,000) are made up of these formations so a good grounding will give you the ability to learn a new dance fairly quickly. SCD has its HQ in Scotland and is known as the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and there is a Vancouver Branch of the RSCDS under which there are many clubs throughout the Province (there also are Branches in Victoria and Seattle). There are a great many classes and the ones in the Vancouver area are listed below. Come along — check us out — the first night is usually free and thereafter it will average about $6 a night and that’s for a 2 hour class! You will find many friendly people who will be eager to help you and welcome you to their club. You never know you actually might like it!!
Check the list of classes at either at www.vancouverceilidh.org or www.rscdsvancouver.org. Note that the latter website has the latest updates to temporary changes to times and locations
as well there are classes all up and down Vancouver Island, a number of the Gulf Islands, the Cariboo, Okanagan, etc. etc. and there are various groups all over this great Province, Country, World and who knows where else! Check the Branch website for all these details – www.rscdsvancouver.org
Also the Inverary Step Dance class on Wednesdays in the French School, 1555 West 7th Ave., Vancouver- info b_campbell@dccnet.com
Riddles (answer next week)
Last week:
The person who makes it, sells it. The person who buys it never uses it and the person who uses it doesn’t know they are. What is it?
Answer: A coffin.
This week:
The more you have of it, the less you see. What is it?
For upcoming events see www.vancouverceilidh.org and www.rscdsvancouver.org.
Other announcements etc:
Seattle Branch – info at www.rscds-seattle.org
The next regular monthly Ceilidh Dance will be held on Friday, September 28, 2012 in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, (73rd & Hudson which is between Oak & Granville), Vancouver, BUT. there is a Ceilidh Night in the Park on Monday, August 6th – see www.vancouverceilidh.org for info – and a special dance on Friday, July 13. We need everyone to help us get as many new comers (as well as former Ceilidh Dancers) as possible to come and join us.
WE Really NEED YOUR HELP to advertise the Ceilidh Dances!!!! What a nice thoughtful gift it could be if you gave your friends admission to the Ceilidh Dance. They don’t need to know it only costs $10 – it is worth so much more in fun, exercise and camaraderie. Use any access to free adverts etc. You can also use things like the Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh2HV3OPBgw or the Face-book page https://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=116203315&k=Z5C5Y4TZPT6G6BD1PKZZTWQQQ6BAW26L34AV&oid=164741310207760 Suggestions to improve our advertising are always welcome. Don’t forget to tell them about the website www.vancouverceilidh.org and get them to “subscribe” to the newsletter.
The cost is still the amazingly low price of $10 or $8 for students and we provide refreshments although we do ask for your donations towards their cost. We always need your support both by coming along and by helping us to advertise these dances by whatever means you use to communicate with your friends be it e-mail, Face-Book, Twitter, Text or even telephone! Most of you have been to at least one Ceilidh Dance so you know how it goes. You don’t need a partner; you don’t need any experience; you should wear FLAT soft soled shoes; we walk, talk, and call every dance and you should come to have fun and have a good evening on exercise and entertainment and maybe even to learn!
There is a FREE class from 7 — 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 — 11 p.m. with music by Calanais. Remember to bring some extra cash so you can make a donation towards the cost of the refreshments. Without these donations we will have to increase the price of admission again!!
The schedule for the 2012/13 season shapes up as follows:
All on Fridays of course —
September 28
October 19
November 30
January 4
February 1
February 22
March 22
April 26
Come along and get some great exercise while also having lots of fun. We are still working on improving the strength of the smile muscles as well as the bows and curtsies! Please do your best to assist us in letting as many people know as possible. Use Face-book, e-mail, telephone or even word of mouth and tell everyone you know what a fun night it is. We need to attract students from UBC, SFU and all the other colleges and universities. Somehow we have to get word out to these students. Please do all you can to help us. Come one, come all to the same place (Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver) and the same time (7 p.m. for the class and 8 – 11 p.m. for the dance) and the same amazing price ($10 or $8 for students.)
You should check the website – www.vancouverceilidh.org – from time to time as you can find various pages listing “Ceilidhs and Events;” Classes:” Duncan’s List;” etc. On these pages you can check all the upcoming events, where all the classes are located, times, etc. and some places to find Scottish things or some local trades, etc. I will continue to highlight the more current events in each week’s newsletter but, as stated, the calendar of all events will be available on the website. You should also have a look at the Vancouver Branch website from time to time – www.rscdsvancouver.org – as there is always useful information on it and it is a very good looking site.
If you have any questions regarding the Ceilidh Dances send them to me at ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org
Please check the website – www.rscdsvancouver.org for updates, pictures and news.
Dance — it is good for your health.
I have never hated a man enough to give his diamonds back.
– Zsa Zsa Gabor
A London lawyer runs a stop sign and gets pulled over by a Glasgow copper. He thinks that he is smarter than the cop Because he is a lawyer from LONDON and is certain that he has a Better education then any Jock cop. He decides to prove this to Himself and have some fun at the Glasgow cops expense!!
Glasgow cop says, ” Licence and registration, please.”
London Lawyer says, “What for?”
Glasgow cop says, “Ye didnae come to a complete stop at the stop Sign.”
London Lawyer says, “I slowed down, and no one was coming.”
Glasgow cop says, “Ye still didnae come to a complete stop. Licence and Registration, Please.”
London Lawyer says, “What’s the difference?”
Glasgow cop says, “The difference is, ye huv to come to Complete stop, that’s the law, Licence and registration, Please!”
London Lawyer says, “If you can show me the legal difference Between slow down and stop, I’ll give you my licence and Registration; and you give me the ticket. If not, you let me go And don’t give me the ticket.”
Glasgow cop says, “Sounds fair. Exit your vehicle, sir.”
The London Lawyer exits his vehicle.
The Glasgow cop takes out his baton and starts beating the lawyer and says, “Now dae ye want me to stop, or just slow doon?
Keep sending jokes, pictures and info you wish to have included. Don’t forget to look at our web pages at www.vancouverceilidh.org
If you know of anyone who would like to be on the mailing list please send them the web address – www.vancouverceilidh.org and ask them to subscribe. If anyone has good pictures from the Ceilidh Dances please send them to me so I can put them on the web page.
If you have any announcements please send them to me preferably in Word; Times New Roman 12pt format with a layout similar to the one used in this newsletter. I occasionally hear of an event somewhere in our beautiful Province, on the Island or in the Interior, but don’t know all the details. This newsletter reaches out to some 370 subscribers (up 2!) from all over the Province, Country and to many other countries as well, so please send me the details of your event and I will only be too happy to include them. Note- I normally compose the newsletters on Sundays.
Thanks hope to see you at the dance with the Scottish Fiddlers this Friday, at Dancing in the Park or somewhere nice. Enjoy yourselves – come Scottish Country Dancing – for it is good for your health and you never know you just might …..!
Duncan ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org