Ceilidh Dance newsletter – 2012/13 #22

A wonderful affair last night in the Cultural Centre.   Peter and his crew put on a super show which I am sure all 150+ attendees really enjoyed.   The ladies were very well represented with three being involved in the 4 main speeches.   Isobel gave one of the best Address to the Haggis that I have heard and seen while Diane gave a stirring reply to the Toast to the Lassies while Rosemary gave us a new way to look at the writings of Burns in a very interesting Immortal Memory.   We had good food, including tasty haggis, great music and enjoyable dance programme and a big crowd of friends and new faces.   All in all a really super, enjoyable evening.

The Tam O’Shanter’s Burns Supper in White Rock is this Saturday, January 26 and you can order tickets from me at ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org but I would need to hear from you before Tuesday as the caterer needs the numbers.

More information on this event and some of the other Burns events are listed below under “Coming Events.”

Don’t forget the SFU School of Scottish Studies Burns marathon reading on January 25 in the downtown campus on Hastings Street, Vancouver.   Come and join in and be part of a world record.   See info below.

There are some very good pictures taken at the January 4, 2013 Ceilidh Dance which have been posted on the RSCDS Vancouver Branch Facebook page. If you do not want your picture on that page please contact web@rscdsvancouver.org. The link for the pictures is:


The next Ceilidh Dance will be on Friday, February 1, 2013. Yes, I know it is not the last Friday of the month but there are so many Burns Suppers that I am involved in at the end of January and, of course, Mr. Burns birthday is on the 25th so, as in prior years, we put the Ceilidh Dance off for 1 week.

That means there are two Ceilidh Dances in February so you get a bonus!

Registration for the Love to Dance wokshop and dance is now open.   You can register and pay online at www.rscdsvancouver.org  You are encouraged to register soon as this event has been oversubscribed in the past few years.

Tickets for the Heather Ball at the Gizeh Temple on March 23 with Gordon Shand and his Band from Scotland are alos available online at www.rscdsvancouver.org


I am continuing to include these pictures of Scotland that I have been sent without any note as to where they are. Once again last week’s picture brought absolutely no responses so I have decided to post it one last time in the hope that someone will recognize the place.  You can look back at last week’s and most prior newsletters by going to our website at www.vancouverceilidh.org.

It is quite a distinctive bay with a very narrow opening. To my eye it looks more West than East coast but I may be completely wrong. Hopefully at least one reader will recognize it and send me an e-mail – ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org

Duffus Castle

The editor apologises yet again for this letter being a day late.   Note that there are at least two deadlines – orders for tickets for the Tam O’Shanter Burns Supper ans invitation to a Granville Island Beer tasting.   I am late as I watched too much, and way too late into the wee hours of the morning, tennis etc. on TV!!   Fortunately I have today, Monday off – well I did have a dance walk through this morning for a small demonstration on Wednesday night – so am hopefully able to get it completed and sent out before class tonight.

A busy week with practises for Burns events, classes where dances for Burns events were taught etc.  Now all I have to do is remember which dance was on where and when I should coupe pas des basque and when I should pas des basque coupe!!!

There are many Burns events coming up this and next month and they can’t all be on January 25th. So far the Branch Demonstration Team are dancing at 12 events so they are really busy.   I also dance with the Tam O’Shanter Dancers whose Burns Supper is this Saturday in White Rock.   This is another fun event and there will be Ceilidh dancing after the entertainment. Tickets for this ($52) – and there are only a few left – can be reserved by contacting me at ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org before Wednesday, January 23.

You are invited to celebrate Robbie Burns Day with Granville Island Brewing.  Join us for complimentary Scottish canapés, prizes and GIB’s Limited Release Scottish Ale.

Event Details:  Friday, January 25, 2013  6:00pm-9:00pm  GIB Taproom, 1441 Cartwright Street, Granville Island, Vancouver

Please RSVP to Andrea by January 22nd.    andrea@jivecommunications.ca

CeltFest tickets are now on sale -Check out all the festival details at:  www.CelticFestVancouver.com 

A new website for kilts and accessories.   Prices seem excellent, no idea of quality or trustworthiness though:  www.aglowmusichouse.com


This newsletter will go out to 395 plus there are 2 more who are sitting waiting for them to accept the confirmation e-mail.  Please pass along the website to your friends and maybe they will subscribe – www.vancouverceilidh.org

Note: the Celtic Treasure Chest has some left over Christmas specials. – For the exact hours and more info see www.celtictreasurechest.ca. Just say you read about it in this newsletter.

If anyone has any suggestions or complaints regarding the newsletter please let me know – ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org ==============================================================


Here are some quotes to inspire you….)
By all means marry.  If you get a good wife, you’ll be happy.  If you get a bad one, you’ll become a philosopher.

Dunblane Junction, Sherrifmuir

Events happening early in 2013 include the Tam O’Shanter’s Burns Supper on January 26 and the Ceilidh Dance on Friday, February 1.  Please see “Coming Events” below for all information.

On Friday, January 25, 2013, the Simon Fraser University’s Centre for Scottish Studies is again organizing a Marathon Recitation of Burns’s Poetry and Song. Our goal is to break our 2012 record of 4 hours, 9 minutes and 24 seconds!! We know it can be done and we know we will have a fun and inspiration time doing it! The event will happen at the SFU Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings St., Vancouver) from 9am until 4pm. We are encouraging dignitaries, media personal, SFU students, faculty and staff as well as the numerous members of our vast Scottish community throughout the Lower Mainland to come out and read or sing their favourite works by Burns. (Or if you don’t have a favourite, we can supply you with one). The reading will be supplemented by piping and maybe even some haggis eating as well as other forms of entertainment. People from all over the world are ready to help us with our goal and we will have readers and singers joining us through Skype. This will certainly be a global event!

It would be wonderful if you’d like to participate and join us. Bring along your favourite Burns piece or we can help you find something to read (and even explain what it means). Please contact Tricia Barker tbarker@sfu.ca if you want to be a part of setting this new world record! If you’re not comfortable with reading please come and watch and join us for the celebration. There will be refreshments and entertainment for all!


This year’s TAC Summer School of Scottish Country Dancing will be held in Mount Allison University, New Brunswick. Registration for all levels from beginner to advanced is now open and information can be found at www.tac-rscds.org




Jan 25 SFU Burns Marathon SFU Harbour Centre (515 West Hastings St., Vancouver) from 9am until 4pmSee newsletter.  Please contact Tricia Barker tbarker@sfu.ca if you want to be a part of setting this new world record! 
Jan 26 Tam O’Shanter Dancers 19th Annual Burns Supper, “Burns: A National Symbol.”    Star of the Sea Hall, 15262 Pacific Avenue, White Rock – tickets $52 from any member or phone 604-536-9481 e-mail duncanmackenzie@telus.net   Doors/Bar 5:30; Supper 6:30; Dress semi-formal
Jan 26 Moray, Nairn & Banff Association present their annual Taste of Burns 7:30 pm Doors open 7:00 pm  Music & Dancing  Haggis, meat, tatties and ‘neep.    Scottish Cultural Centre 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver For reservations contact Cath Laidlaw Tel: 604-940-9260 or email: jocklaidlaw@telus. net
Jan 30 White Rock RSCDS Burns Party dance — 7 — 10 p.m. Sullivan Hall, 6306 152nd Street, Surrey BC — drop in $5 — everyone welcome — dancing, piper, address to the Haggis, refreshments, lots of fun!
Feb  1 Ceilidh Dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre — class at 7 dance 8 — 11 Admission $10 (students $8)
Feb 8 – 10 Edmonton Caledonian Branch Annual Workshop and Ball with teachers Pat Coyle, Canada; Janet Johnston, Scotland and Alan Twhigg, USA and music by Scottish Accent.   Information and registration forms at www.rscdsedmonton.com/content/2013-43rd-annual-workshop-and-ball
Feb  9 Bellingham monthly dance
Feb  9 RSCDS San Francisco Branch Valentine’s Ball with music by Andy Imbrie and The Reel of Seven.  All info from  sharon.stewart@comcast.net
Feb 15 – 17 Aloha Winter Workshop in Hawaii with teacher’s Bruce Herbold, David Newitt and Patti Cobb.   Music will be provided by the band The Humuhumunkunukuapua’a.   Registration deadline — January 15
Feb 16 50th Tartan Ball in the Royal York Hotel, Toronto.   Mark the date; info www.rscdstoronto.org
Feb 16 Love to Dance Scottish Workshop and Tea Dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver — check on the website for info and registration forms.   Note that this event SOLD OUT last year so don’t wait.   Call 604-922-6842 for info

  See website www.vancouverceilidh.org for a more complete list.


Seattle Branch announces the start of their Challenge Class which are held on the 2nd Friday each month in the upper building, Room 7, Phinney Neighbourhood Association, 4532 Phinney Avenue, North Seattle at 7:30 p.m.

Next class February 8, 2013


1. In my many years I have come to a conclusion that one useless man is a shame, two is a law firm and three or more is a congress.— John Adams

2. If you don’t read the newspaper you are uninformed, if you do read the newspaper you are misinformed.
— Mark Twain

3. Suppose you were an idiot. And suppose you were a member of Congress. But then I repeat myself.
— Mark Twain


Elgin Cathedral

When Insults Had Class
These glorious insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words.

“He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends..” –  Oscar Wilde

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

An old Italian gentleman lived alone in New  Jersey.   He wanted to plant his annual tomato garden, but it was very difficult work, as the ground was hard.   His only son, Vincent, who used to help him, was in prison.   The old man wrote a letter to his son and described his predicament:

Dear Vincent, I am feeling pretty sad because it looks like I won’t be able to plant my tomato garden this year.   I’m just getting too old to be digging up a garden plot. I know if you were here my troubles would be over.   I know you would be happy to dig the plot for me, like in the old days.

Love,  Papa 

A few days later he received a letter from his son:

Dear Papa,   Don’t dig up that garden.   That’ s where the bodies are buried.

Love,  Vinnie

At 4 a.m. the next morning, FBI agents and local police arrived and dug up the entire area without finding any bodies.   They apologized to the old man and left.

That same day the old man received another letter from his son:

Dear Papa,  Go ahead and plant the tomatoes now.  That’s the best I could do under the circumstances. 

Love you, Vinnie

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Foinaven & Loch Inchard

The next Ceilidh Dance is Friday, February 1, 2013. You still have some time to spread the word about all the Ceilidh Dances as that is the best (and cheapest) form of advertising. It is great exercise and fun, for all ages, too.

Here is a link where you can watch a short video of a Ceilidh Dance: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MvUwZnY9Ms

The format for all of the regular monthly Ceilidh Dances will be the same with the class from 7 — 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 — 11 p.m. and all dances will be walked and talked through. The price is only – $10 or $8 for students which, for what you get is a super bargain — everyone is welcome. No partner is required and you should wear FLAT, comfy shoes and loose clothing. Children are also welcome but should be prepared to dance with other people as some of the dances require a change of partner. Don’t forget to bring a few extra $$$$ to help defray the cost of the refreshments which are otherwise free.

Forth Bridge

For those who enjoy listening to Scottish music, song, banter etc. try www.andysceilidh.co.uk/ this is a radio programme that you can get sent to you and listen any time you want. Andy is asking everyone to send in their requests so if you have a favourite Scottish tune, song, recitation, band, performer, choir or whatever send an e-mail to andyrossbw@aol.com



The Branch has opened a Facebook Page at “RSCDS-Vancouver” – check it out there are some good pictures etc. www.facebook.com/rscdsvancouver. There is a link on both our website www.vancouverceilidh.org and the Branch website www.rscdsvancouver.org


It really is never too late to come along and join in one of many Scottish Country Dance (SCD) classes and JANUARY is a great time to do it as all the classes will be starting up again. You will be made very welcome. Many classes have a policy that the first night is FREE! Plan to come along to try out a class next week. There are classes all around and on different nights so


Go to either www.rscdsvancouver.org or www,vancouverceilidh.org for a list of class locations and times.

For those who don’t know SCD is a fabulous pastime which is super exercise for body and mind. SCD is, naturally, rooted in Scotland but there are groups in almost every country so you can learn here and then dance with other groups when you vacation or travel. SCD is not to be confused with Highland Dancing which is more solo dancing. SCD is usually done with a partner in groups or sets however you do not need to come with a partner. It is more akin to Square Dancing. It takes a year or two of classes, workshops, etc. to get the basics learnt then you can hone your skills in advanced classes. You start by learning the steps and formations. Dances (of which there are over 13,000) are made up of these formations so a good grounding will give you the ability to learn a new dance fairly quickly. SCD has its HQ in Scotland and is known as the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and there is a Vancouver Branch of the RSCDS under which there are many clubs throughout the Province (there also are Branches in Victoria and Seattle). There are a great many classes and the ones in the Vancouver area are listed below. Come along — check us out — the first night is usually free and thereafter it will average about $6 a night and that’s for a 2 hour class! You will find many friendly people who will be eager to help you and welcome you to their club. You never know you actually might like it!!

Check the list of classes at either at www.vancouverceilidh.org or www.rscdsvancouver.org. Note that the latter website has the latest updates to temporary changes to times and locations

as well there are classes all up and down Vancouver Island, a number of the Gulf Islands, the Cariboo, Okanagan, etc. etc. and there are various groups all over this great Province, Country, World and who knows where else! Check the Branch website for all these details – www.rscdsvancouver.org

Also the Inverary Step Dance class on Wednesdays in the French School, 1555 West 7th Ave., Vancouver- info b_campbell@dccnet.com


Riddles (answer next week)

Last week:
My life can be measured in hours,
I serve by being devoured.
Thin, I am quick
Fat, I am slow
Wind is my foe.

Answer:   A candle

This week:
I am seen in the water
If seen in the sky,
I am in the rainbow,
A jay’s feather,
And lapis lazuli.




Gleniffer Braes

For upcoming events see www.vancouverceilidh.org and www.rscdsvancouver.org.

Other announcements etc:

Seattle Branch – info at www.rscds-seattle.org


The next regular monthly Ceilidh Dance will be held on Friday, February 1, 2013 in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, (73rd & Hudson which is between Oak & Granville), Vancouver, We need everyone to help us get as many new comers (as well as former Ceilidh Dancers) as possible to come and join us. The Ceilidh Dances are a great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Invite all your friends along. Contact me if you will have a group of 12 or more and we can give them a discount!!!

We Really NEED YOUR HELP to advertise the Ceilidh Dances!!!! What a nice way to celebrate the New Year. It really is good exercise as the ladies from Children’s Hospital found out in September. They thought it was way better than Yoga and said they will tell all their colleagues at the hospital to come to the next dance AND to bring their other friends, spouses, partners, etc. It only costs $10 – it is worth so much more in fun, exercise and camaraderie. Use any access to free adverts etc. You can also use things like the Youtube link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bh2HV3OPBgw or the Face-book page https://www.facebook.com/p.php?i=116203315&k=Z5C5Y4TZPT6G6BD1PKZZTWQQQ6BAW26L34AV&oid=164741310207760

Suggestions to improve our advertising are always welcome. Don’t forget to tell them about the website www.vancouverceilidh.org and get them to “subscribe” to the newsletter.

The cost is still the amazingly low price of $10 or $8 for students and we provide refreshments although we do ask for your donations towards their cost. We always need your support both by coming along and by helping us to advertise these dances by whatever means you use to communicate with your friends be it e-mail, Face-Book, Twitter, Text or even telephone! Most of you have been to at least one Ceilidh Dance so you know how it goes. You don’t need a partner; you don’t need any experience; you should wear FLAT soft soled shoes; we walk, talk, and call every dance and you should come to have fun and have a good evening on exercise and entertainment and maybe even to learn!

There is a FREE class from 7 — 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 — 11 p.m. with music by Calanais. Remember to bring some extra cash so you can make a donation towards the cost of the refreshments. Without these donations we will have to increase the price of admission again!!

The schedule for the 2012/13 season shapes up as follows:
All on Fridays of course —
February 1
February 22
March 22
April 26

Come along and get some great exercise while also having lots of fun. We are still working on improving the strength of the smile muscles as well as the bows and curtsies! Please do your best to assist us in letting as many people know as possible. Use Face-book, e-mail, telephone or even word of mouth and tell everyone you know what a fun night it is. We need to attract students from UBC, SFU and all the other colleges and universities. Somehow we have to get word out to these students. Please do all you can to help us. Come one, come all to the same place (Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver) and the same time (7 p.m. for the class and 8 – 11 p.m. for the dance) and the same amazing price ($10 or $8 for students.)
You should check the website – www.vancouverceilidh.org – from time to time as you can find various pages listing “Ceilidhs and Events;” Classes:” Duncan’s List;” etc. On these pages you can check all the upcoming events, where all the classes are located, times, etc. and some places to find Scottish things or some local trades, etc. I will continue to highlight the more current events in each week’s newsletter but, as stated, the calendar of all events will be available on the website. You should also have a look at the Vancouver Branch website from time to time – www.rscdsvancouver.org – as there is always useful information on it and it is a very good looking site.

If you have any questions regarding the Ceilidh Dances send them to me at ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org

Please check the website – www.rscdsvancouver.org for updates, pictures and news.
Dance — it is good for your health.


Observations On Growing Older 

~You Forget names…. But it’s OK because other people forgot they even knew you!!!

~You realize you’re never going to be really good at anything…. Especially Golf.


Keep sending jokes, pictures and info you wish to have included. Don’t forget to look at our web pages at www.vancouverceilidh.org

If you know of anyone who would like to be on the mailing list please send them the web address – www.vancouverceilidh.org and ask them to subscribe. If anyone has good pictures from the Ceilidh Dances please send them to me so I can put them on the web page.

If you have any announcements please send them to me preferably in Word; Times New Roman 12pt format with a layout similar to the one used in this newsletter. I occasionally hear of an event somewhere in our beautiful Province, on the Island or in the Interior, but don’t know all the details. This newsletter reaches out to some 395 subscribers (one more from last week!) from all over the Province, Country and to many other countries as well, so please send me the details of your event and I will only be too happy to include them. Note:- I normally compose the newsletters on Sundays.


Haggis family


Girlie Wisdom!

One of life’s mysteries is how a 2-Kg box of chocolates can make a woman gain 5 Kg!

The best way to forget your troubles is to wear tight shoes




Enjoy yourselves – come Scottish Country Dancing – for it is good for your health and you never know you just might …..!

May your troubles be l, may your blessings be more,
may nothing but happiness come through your door.

Trying to learn how to make the letters work but still needs lots of work!!

Duncan ceilidh@rscdsvancouver.org