New year countdown 2

A very Happy New Year to Yin and A’ with many more to come.   Lang mey yer lum reek and Mey the best ye hae iver seen be the warst ye’ll iver see.


The Branch Burns Supper is on Saturday, January 17 in the Scottish Cultural Centre 6 pm for 7 pm.  Tickets for $55.00.  Dinner, traditional speeches, dancing and no host bar).   Get your tickets at class, at the Ceilidh Dance or online at BUT GET THEM SOON!!!   This is a fun night even though you may only be able to dance 1 or 2 dances.   It is an entertaining evening and the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra will be playing for the dancing.

Winter - Inverness skyline


We have just returned from taking our friends, John and Louise, to the airport as they travel home to Perth, WA via Hong Kong.   We had a lovely visit with them over the past 4 days and had a few other mutual friends over for a chat too.   Louise has made the occasional trip over to BC but it is a long time since we have seen John.   They are both looking very young and fit.   We miss them at dancing – maybe this visit will inspire them to try out the local class once again.

Winter - Irvine Harbour looking to Arran

Irvine Harbour looking to Arran

A Note from Jean which I just received:

Dear Fellow Dancer,

Once again we have a Teachers Training programme happening at the Vancouver Branch with the exams to be held in May 2015.    Our teacher candidates rely on a Support Cast of fellow dancers to be ‘Stooges’ for their practice sessions.

We are looking for a ‘support cast’ for training sessions to be held at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver (upstairs).   The first training session is this coming Saturday January 10th, 2015 between 10am and 3:30pm.

If you are able to help on this date or some of the following dates, please let me know by return.    (your preference AM or PM.)

 Saturday Febuary 21st
Saturday March 14th
Saturday April 18th
Exam Day May 2nd

Your support will be much appreciated.

Many thanks,

Jean Wagstaff  and the 2015 Candidates
(604) 464-8103

joke 1


 If you only go to one concert next year and you like fiddle music then make sure you get tickets to see and hear Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Hass on Sunday, January 11, 2015 in St. James Hall, Vancouver.   Call the Rogue Folk Club at 604-736-3022 soon as it will sell out.


New Year bears

The next regular Ceilidh Dance is THIS  Friday January 9, 2015 – in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver.  Start to make plans to come along as we really need all of you. This is a fun and inexpensive way to have an enjoyable evening out with family and friends. Tell at least 2 friends to join you, forward this e-mail to more friends and encourage them to sign up for the newsletter and to come to the Ceilidh Dance. Think of the great exercise you get as well.   See below for more information.


Some really exciting news – thanks to some ground work by a student there is going to be a Scottish Country Dance class at SFU.   It will start on January 14, 2015 and be on Wednesday evenings from 7 – 9 p.m. in Forum Chambers.   Contact Louise at for more information and please tell all your student friends.

SFU’s Centre for Scottish Studies will be offering beginning Gaelic classes Monday nights at 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm starting January 20.  The classes will be held using video technology with instructor Fiona Smith — either from a location at SFU or in your home if you have a computer and internet connection.  If you are interested in participating, please contact Leith at

Winter - Iona



New year banner 


There is a need for an Editor for the White Cockade as Eleanor has indicated this will be her last year and there is also a need for someone to help with the Facebook page.


Thanks to Steve at the Celtic Treasure Chest there is now an online list of all the Celtic societies as well as a calendar of events:



There are year end clear out specials at The Celtic Treasure Chest’s two stores including some items never stocked before.  Check them out at


New year blow

A policeman pulls over a driver for swerving in and out of lanes on the highway. He tells the guy to blow a breath into a breathalyzer.

“I can’t do that, officer.” “Why not?” “Because I’m an asthmatic. I could get an asthma attack if I blow into that tube.”

“Okay, we’ll just get a urine sample down at the station.” “Can’t do that either, officer.” “Why not?” “Because I’m a diabetic. I could get low blood sugar if I pee in a cup.” ”

Alright, we could get a blood sample.” “Can’t do that either, officer.” “Why not?” “Because I’m a hemophiliac. If I give blood I could die.

” “Fine then, just walk this white line.” “Can’t do that either, officer.” “Why not?” “Because I’m drunk


The Scottish Cultural Centre is a pretty unique and wonderful asset and space is available for rent to anyone or any group. The Centre does not run itself but is actually run by the United Scottish Cultural Society (USCS). Memberships in this Society are for individuals only and presently cost $10 annually. Membership Application Forms may be obtained either at the Centre or on the USCS website – .   The cost is only $10.

Any person may join USCS and Scottish Country & Ceilidh Dancers are encouraged to show their support by doing so. If any USCS member would like to be more involved, then, Darryl Carracher, the Manager at the Centre, will be pleased to give you further information. We have just finished replacing the roof which was a major expense.  We have also just finishing painting and sprucing up the main hall and hope you all like what we have done.

Upgrades to the Centre are also being considered so it is particularly appropriate that dancers join USCS. No final decisions on these upgrades will be made before Members of USCS are fully informed.   As noted above a number of proposals regarding the future of the Centre (the building) were presented at the A.G.M. and these will be discussed by each Member Society/Association and will be discussed at future meetings of the U.S.C.S.


new year champagne



Winter - Kenmore Hill

Kenmore Hill


The next Ceilidh Dance is THIS Friday, January 9th, 2015.   I have tried an experiment and registered with Meetup and more than 20 people have now “joined” and many say they will come to the Ceilidh dance.  

Canada Day maple leaf line




new year countdown  

Michelle has very kindly made up a Facebook event page for the Ceilidh but you need to “Search for Vancouver Ceilidh on Facebook and “Like” us to receive updates on upcoming Ceilidhs and other events”. Then, if you “Like” the Vancouver Ceilidh FB page (do as described above), you too will receive updates AND be able to share those updates and events on your personal Facebook page to your friends and ask that they “Like” and “Share”, etc.

Ceilidh Dances are great ways to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries etc. Invite all your friends to come and join you at the Ceilidh. You are welcome to bring your own cake and we’ll even sing for you!!


You can join the e-mail list of the SFU Scottish and Celtic Society; the club connecting you to all things Scottish and Celtic at SFU and the community. As members of this mailing list, you will receive updates on events and learning opportunities. All are welcome to participate and enjoy. Facebook Group: As of today, our new Facebook Group is launched and available to join. It is an ‘Open’ group. Anyone can join and invite their friends. We will create Facebook ‘Events’ for all our occasions. Join today at this link:




Some fun and interesting sites: – note if you have a link to something you think others would enjoy please forward them to me.

Hope this talent will brighten up your day!

This video, considered one of the best of the year. It has been edited by Luc Bergeron with the support of a team who reviewed 243 videos and worked for 124 hours to compile it. ………………and sync with the beat of the music!!SKIP THE AD

A good day’s work.
The next Ceilidh Dance will be held THIS Friday, January 9, 2015.    Same time, same place, same price (so long as there is a big attendance), same amount of fun and entertainment. Now it is up to you all to help by planning on coming along and bringing loads of friends, family, acquaintances, etc. We need to improve the attendance to make the dances financially viable. Please do your best to spread the word. Let me know if you would like a poster to put up.


Subscriptions Have increased by another huge number 2 so they are now up to 351 – the last two were added in 2015 so we did not make it to 350 before the end of 2014?   It will still take many weeks at this rate to get it back to 400 so I really need your help to get the subscriptions back up again.   Thanks for all your support.

Please pass along the website to your friends and ask them to subscribe – it is free!!   At time of writing this last week’s newsletter was opened by 226 subscribers or 64.8% of the total list.   I know some of you prefer to go to the website and open the newsletter from there so the number is probably much higher. Please keep opening the newsletter!!

Any and all comments and suggestions are welcome.


Events happening in the immediate future include the Ceilidh Dance on January 9 and Alasdair Fraser in concert on the 11th. 

Please see “Coming Events” below for all information.

New Year door open



If anyone has any suggestions or complaints regarding the newsletter, please let me know – Please do not complain to your server that this is junk mail. There is a link on the e-mail should you wish to unsubscribe.

COMING EVENTS IN THE NEXT FEW WEEKS: Note: Please check list of classes for all start times and locations.

Jan   6 West End’s first class – open to all as a FREE try out class
Jan  7 White Rock’s first class in 2015
Jan  9 Ceilidh Dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver – no partner or experience required – live music with Calanais – refreshments available – class from 7 – 8 p.m. followed by dance from 8 – 11 p.m. – all dances walked, talked and called – admission at the door $10 (students $8)
Jan 10 Bellingham Social
Jan 11 Alasdair Fraser & Natalie Hass concert in St. James Hall, Vancouver at 8 p.m.  Rogue Folk Club – 604-736-3022
Jan 12 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm, Dr. Ann Rigney (Chair of Comparative Literature,Utrecht University): “Where Walter Scott meets the Mahatma: Reflections on Transnational Literature”   7000 Earl & Jennie Lohn Policy Room, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings St., Vancouver
Jan 14 A new SCD class at SFU  Wednesday evenings 7 – 9 p.m. Forum Chambers contact Louise for info at
Jan 17 Branch Burns Supper – Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver – Bar 6 p.m. Dinner 7 p.m.  Music for dancing by the Vancouver Fiddle Orchestra – Tickets $55 – or 604-224-6751 or online with PayPal at
Jan 23 12:00 pm -1:00 pm,  SFU Scottish Studies Centre: Robert Burns Day Celebration Teck Gallery, SFU Harbour Centre, 515 W. Hastings St., Vancouver.   For the last 3 years, the Centre has hosted a very successful marathon reading that has brought old and young together in celebration of the Scottish bard.  Last year’s marathon went for a record 6 hours! This year, we are asking people to come down and make history in a different way by joining us for a mass reading/singing of Burns’s most popular works – including “To a Mouse” and “A Man’s a Man” – plus the traditional haggis-addressing and socializing.  Starting at noon, our celebration will also feature performances of Scottish music and song.  Bring your voices and instruments and join us!
Jan 24 Tam O’Shanter’s Burns Supper – “RANTIN’ ROVIN’ ROBIN”   The Tam O’Shanter Dancers are hosting their 21st. annual Robert Burns Dinner/Dance Sat. Jan. 24th 2015 at the Star of the Sea Hall, 15262 Pacific Ave. White Rock.    Doors open 5:30, Dinner 6:30, Entertainment 8pm, Ceilidh Dancing 9pm    Tickets: Adult $55  Children 10 & under $30    Call: Janice 604-536-7660,  Cheryl 604-535-8949
Jan 28 White Rock’s Robbie Burns party
Feb  6 Ceilidh Dance at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver – no partner or experience required – live music with Calanais – refreshments available – class from 7 – 8 p.m. followed by dance from 8 – 11 p.m. – all dances walked, talked and called – admission at the door $10 (students $8)
Feb  7 Bellingham social
Feb 13 – 15 ANNUAL WEEKEND OF SCOTTISH COUNTRY DANCING in HAWAII.   Instructor  Linda Henderson from San Francisco music by Humuhumunukunukuapua’a and Strathspey Society Band    Information  at
Feb 14 Love to Dance Scottish workshop & Dance in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver with teachers Rebecca Blackhall-Peters; Maureen Lyon and Gordon Robinson and music for the dance by the Tartan Players.   “More classes; More Teachers; Same camaraderie; same great teaching — Registration online at  –  Information –  604-922-6842 or 604-464-8103


Last week to rest our feet before the hectic January schedule which starts with a bang tomorrow night with the Tam O’Shanter Dance class. followed by the West End open night on Tuesday and White Rock on Wednesday, the Dem Team class on Thursday and the Ceilidh on Friday – could be more!
We had a few dinner parties, our guests to entertain, a second thwarted attempt to see The Imitation Game which was sold out this time.   Margaret thought she had heard something good about The Hunger Games so we went to it instead – foolish move, at least for us!!  WE finally got to see The Imitation Game last night along with John and Louise and it was brilliant – thoroughly enjoyable.
We did have a visit from our grandson from LA but, apart from the first night when he arrived and joined us for dinner, we hardly saw him until I took him back to the airport on Friday.   He spent his time with his Crescent Beach buddies which I am sure he enjoyed much better than hanging with his old fogie grandparents.

 “““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““` “ 

Winter - kingussie - snow



Come Scottish Country Dancing – it is lots of fun.  Just ask anyone who came along to the Dancing in the Park. We had great audience participation so I hope you will all come along and join one of our great classes or at least come to one of the Ceilidh Dances.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Winter - Letir Fura with Knoydart in background

Letir Fura with Knoydart in background


The next Ceilidh Dance is THIS Friday, January 9, 2015 with live music by Calanaish. You still have time to spread the word about all the Ceilidh Dances as that is the best (and cheapest) form of advertising. It is great exercise and fun, for all ages, too.

Here is a link where you can watch a short video of a Ceilidh Dance: and here is a link to the Facebook advert: The format for all of the regular monthly Ceilidh Dances will be the same with the class from 7 – 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 – 11 p.m. and all dances will be walked and talked through.

They are all held at the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver.  The price is only – $10 or $8 for students which, for what you get is a super bargain – everyone is welcome. No partner is required and you should wear FLAT, comfy shoes and loose clothing. Children are also welcome but should be prepared to dance with other people as some of the dances require a change of partner. Don’t forget to bring a few extra $$$$ to help defray the cost of the refreshments which are otherwise free.


The Branch has opened a Facebook Page at “RSCDS-Vancouver” – check it out there are some good pictures etc. There is a link on both our website and the Branch website

This is a really good time to come along and join in one of many Scottish Country Dance (SCD) classes as they will be starting up again in the New Year.    You will be made very welcome. Many classes have a policy that the first night is FREE! Plan to come along to try out a class next week. There are classes all around and on different nights so GIVE IT A GO! Go to either or www, for a list of class locations and times.


For those who don’t know SCD is a fabulous pastime (much better and lots more fun than golf!!) and is super exercise for body and mind. SCD is, naturally, rooted in Scotland but there are groups in almost every country so you can learn here and then dance with other groups when you vacation or travel. SCD is not to be confused with Highland Dancing which is more solo dancing. SCD is usually done with a partner in groups or sets however you do not need to come with a partner. It is more akin to Square Dancing.

new year fireworks

It takes a year or two of classes, workshops, etc. to learn the basics then you can hone your skills in advanced classes. You start by learning the steps and formations. Dances (of which there are over 13,000) are made up of these formations so a good grounding will give you the ability to learn a new dance fairly quickly. SCD has its HQ in Scotland and is known as the Royal Scottish Country Dance Society (RSCDS) and there is a Vancouver Branch of the RSCDS under which there are many clubs throughout the Province (there is also a Branch in Seattle).


There are a great many classes and the ones in the Vancouver area are listed below. Come along – check us out – the first night is usually free and thereafter it will average about $6 a night and that’s for a 2 hour class! You will find many friendly people who will be eager to help you and welcome you to their club. You never know you actually might like it!! Check the list of classes at either at or

Note that the latter website has the latest updates to temporary changes to times and locations

New Year Paris

as well there are classes all up and down Vancouver Island, a number of the Gulf Islands, the Cariboo, Okanagan, etc. etc. and there are various groups all over this great Province, Country, World and who knows where else! Check the Branch website for all these details –


Wish I’d Said That!

As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind – every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.             ~ John Glenn

If toast always lands butter-side down and cats always land on their feet, what happens if you strap toast on the back of a cat?             ~ Steven Wright

America is so advanced that even the chairs are electric.             ~ Doug Hamwell


For upcoming events see and

Other announcements etc: Seattle Branch – info at


The next regular monthly Ceilidh Dance will be held THIS Friday, January 9, 2015 in the Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, (73rd & Hudson which is between Oak & Granville), Vancouver, We need everyone to help us get as many new comers (as well as former Ceilidh Dancers) as possible to come and join us. The Ceilidh Dances are a great way to celebrate birthdays, anniversaries, etc. Invite all your friends along. Contact me if you will have a group of 12 or more and we can give them a discount!!!

new year snowglobe

We Really NEED YOUR HELP to advertise the Ceilidh Dances!!!! It only costs $10 ($8 for students) – it is worth so much more in fun, exercise and camaraderie. Use any access to free adverts etc. You can also use things like the YouTube link or the Face-book page Suggestions to improve our advertising are always welcome. Don’t forget to tell them about the website and get them to “subscribe” to the newsletter.

new year snowman

Most of you have been to at least one Ceilidh Dance so you know how it goes. You don’t need a partner; you don’t need any experience; you should wear FLAT soft soled shoes; we walk, talk, and call every dance and you should come to have fun and have a good evening of exercise and entertainment and maybe even to learn! There is a FREE class from 7 – 8 p.m. and the dance from 8 – 11 p.m. with music by Calanais. Remember to bring some extra cash so you can make a donation towards the cost of the refreshments. Without these donations we will have to increase the price of admission again!!

The schedule for the 2014/15 season shapes up as follows: All on Fridays of course —

January 9
February 6
February 27
March 27
April 24

Come along and get some great exercise while also having lots of fun. We hope to have lots of new Ceilidh dancers and we might even have Louise to help with the calling.  Remember to bring your smiles and wear flat shoes.    Please do your best to assist us in letting as many people know as possible. Use Face-book, e-mail, telephone or even word of mouth and tell everyone you know what a fun night it is.

New year toilet roll

We would like to attract students from Universities and all colleges. Somehow we have to get word out to these students. Please do all you can to help us. Come one, come all to the same place (Scottish Cultural Centre, 8886 Hudson Street, Vancouver) and the same time (7 p.m. for the class and 8 – 11 p.m. for the dance) and the same amazing price ($10 or $8 for students.) You should check the website – – from time to time as you can find various pages listing “Ceilidhs and Events;” Classes:” Duncan’s List;” etc. On these pages you can check all the upcoming events, where all the classes are located, times, etc. and some places to find Scottish things or some local trades, etc. I will continue to highlight the more current events in each week’s newsletter but, as stated, the calendar of all events will be available on the website.

You should also have a look at the Vancouver Branch website from time to time – – as there is always useful information on it and it is a very good-looking site.

If you have any questions regarding the Ceilidh Dances send them to me at

Please check the website – for updates, pictures and news. Dance – it is good for your health.

Winter - Linlithgow Palace

Linlithgow Palace

Keep sending jokes, pictures and info you wish to have included. Don’t forget to look at our web pages at    If you know of anyone who would like to be on the mailing list please send them the web address – and ask them to subscribe.

If anyone has good pictures from the Ceilidh Dances please send them to me so I can put them on the web page.

If you have any announcements please send them to me preferably in Word; Times New Roman 12pt format with a layout similar to the one used in this newsletter. I occasionally hear of an event somewhere in our beautiful Province, on the Island or in the Interior, but don’t know all the details. This newsletter reaches out to some 351 subscribers from all over the Province, Country and to many other countries as well, so please send me the details of your event and I will only be too happy to include them.


A highway patrolman pulled alongside a speeding car on the freeway. Glancing at the car, he was astounded to see that the blonde behind the wheel was knitting!

Realizing that she was oblivious to his flashing lights and siren, the trooper cranked down his window, turned on his bullhorn and yelled, ‘PULL OVER!’

‘NO!’ the blonde yelled back, ‘IT’S A SCARF!’


A Russian, an American, and a Blonde were talking one day.

The Russian said, ‘We were the first in space!’

The American said, ‘We were the first on the moon!’

The Blonde said, ‘So what? We’re going to be the first on the sun!’The Russian and the American looked at each other and shook their heads.

‘You can’t land on the sun, you idiot! You’ll burn up!’ said the Russian.

To which the Blonde replied, ‘We’re not stupid, you know. We’re going at night!’

Winter - Loch Duich

Loch Duich 

Enjoy yourselves – come Scottish Country Dancing – for it is good for your health and you never know you just might …..!

See Coming Events on the website for info –


Winter - Loch Garry

Loch Garry



Get your tickets for the Vancouver Branch Burns Supper NOW at – you’ll find more information about this great event on that webpage


May your troubles be one, may your blessings be more, and may nothing but happiness come through your door.
